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Not only athletes, bodybuilders and powerlifters but ordinary people who lead energetic, dynamic and healthy lifestyle need nutritional supplementation with amino acids. We aren’t always available to get them in the quantities required by the body with food.
The main objective of the amino acids in the body is to serve as building blocks for more complex compounds – proteins. Not only the proteins forming muscle tissue but also proteins that are hormones. Currently there are about two hundred of them in our body! Humans need different amino acids that enter the organism with food for the synthesis of all these proteins. But different foods contain different proportions of amino acids and certain amino acids can be met rarely. Therefore the body has to synthesize essential amino acids from the blood.
So, the main objective of amino acids supplementation is as follows:
- enrichment of nutrition with complete protein;
- to suppress the appetite and burn unnecessary fat parts. (if someone wants to use amino acids for weight loss – our product is a very good food additive);
- to improve the effectiveness of training and accelerate the muscle growth;
- to reduce pain in muscles and for quick recovery after workouts.
The human body can synthesize most of the amino acids on its own from other amino acids. However, our body can’t recreate eight of them; they should only come from the outside. These amino acids are: isoleucine, leucine, valine, methionine, lysine, tryptophan, phenylalanine and threonine.
For example, three of them are the most known for athletes: isoleucine, leucine and valine: BCAA (Branched-chain amino acids). ЭThis trio of amino acids is of particular importance for those who experience extensive physical loads. BCAA regulate the secretion of many hormones, strengthen immunity, accelerate muscle recovery and take an active part in the synthesis of muscle tissue.
However, there are a number of amino acids playing an important role for the human body not only for athletes:
- Arginine: becomes an essential amino acid if there is a trauma or stressful situations
- Glycine: egulates metabolism, normalizes the processes of protective inhibition in the central nervous system, reduces emotional tension and improves mental performance. Recently the doctors started to use glycine for the treatment of hypoglycemia – low blood sugar.
- Ornithine: Improves the body’s resistance to diseases, speeds wound healing; strengthens connective tissue to keep healthy tendons and ligaments; reduces the level of urea in blood and urine; has a calming effect on the nervous system; allows to generate large amount of energy due to the breakdown of fats; stimulates the immune system; helps to maintain acid-base balance in the body.
- Serine: is involved in the storage of liver glycogen, provides the immune system with antibodies and forms a kind of “covers” of fat around nerve fibers. Women will be interested to learn that serine is used as a moisturizing component in cream production.
- Lysine and methionine are especially needed for women for the prevention of aging, and as substances helping in the lipolytic digestion.
Almost all the most important amino acids (except tryptophan) are available as part of our product. That is why it is a SOURCE of VITALITY.
Hydrolysate is a protein decomposed to the level of free amino acids. It is different from the protein in instant absorption with minimal time for digestion, which ensures the fastest supply of amino acids necessary for human body.