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«TREGI-F» is a bioactive dietary supplement which is produced from Japanese holothuria (Stychopus japonicus) (also known as trepang) which occurs only in the Russian Far East in the area of Peter the Great Bay using special technology involving hydrolysis with crab liver;
Japanese holothuria (trepang) contains a wide range of bioactive substances, such as glycosides, prostaglandids, polyenoic fatty acids, polysaccharides, chondroitin, vitamin B complex, micronutrients – calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, iodine, silicon, phosphorus, selenium, potassium;
Chitosan is an aminopolysaccharide obtained from red king crab carapace. It is a powerful enterosorbent detoxicating organism of pollutants and excreting lipoids.
«TREGI-F» with chitosan is a product which allows delivery of beneficial components of trepang and chitosan in ionic forms to all human organs and systems.
Glycosides – normalize the work of blood circulatory system and reduce the risks of hypertensive crises.
Polysaccharides – prevent formation of blood clots, help to reduce edema and remove excess fluid from the body.
Chondroitin – is the construction material for connective tissues and musculoskeletal system of the human body, prevents aging of bone and cartilage tissues.
Prostaglandids (PG) – improve smooth muscle tonus, promote moderate decrease of blood pressure, regulate central nervous system.
IODINE – Of all microelements contained in trepang, it is iodine that is a real biomicroelement. In an adult body, there is 20 – 30 mg of iodine, while in thyroid, the organ in which iodine concentrates, there is 10 mg. The daily requirement of iodine is not less than 300 μ. Iodine replacement occurs continuously both due to food and water, and due to thyroid secretion, saliva and gastric juice. Iodine insufficiency reveals itself in hypofunction of thyroid, thus, slowing metabolic and oxidation process and reducing basal metabolic rate and body temperature. Hypothyroidism (low level of thyroid hormone concentration) results in myxedema (myxoedema) and endemic goiter (defective memory, thyroid swelling). Long iodine deficiency in childhood results in cretinism; children fall behind in physical and mental developments brain and bone system develop badly.
B vitamins (В-thiamin; В-riboflavin, В-pyridoxin, В-cobalamin), also C vitamin (ascorbic acid), vitamin РР (nicotinic acid).
Polyene acids participate in biosynthesis of peptides, coenzymes and co-factors of biochemical systems. Moreover, they participate in controlling a number of body integration functions: growth, maturation, lactation, body hair coat formation, reproductive system function, fat and cholesterol metabolism, blood plasma fibrinolytic activity, stabilisation of metabolic function in cardiac muscle as a result of organism stress.
Water-insoluble F vitamin Its contents is three times as much as in fish.
Holothurin influences the growth and differentiation of fast proliferating tissues and cells (cytostatic action). It has a noticeable fungicidal activity (fungi destruction).
Moreover, the complex of biologically active substances from trepang contains a well-balanced set of salts and microelements of sea water the composition of which is analogous with human blood plasma.
Composition: chitosan 86.0%; enzymatic hydrolysate of Far Eastern trepang 14.0%; gelatinous capsule.
Presentation: 60 capsules with product weight 250 mg.
Route of administration: for adults – 1 capsule twice a day with food.
Scope of application: recommended as a bioactive dietary supplement – additional source of soluble dietary fiber (chitosan).
Period of administration: 1 month, to be repeated at the doctor’s recommendation if necessary
Contraindications: idiosyncrasy, pregnancy, breast-feeding.
Please consult your doctor before using this product.
General indications:
Has immunomodulation effect, thus, improving body resistance during respiratory disease periods; - Improves body resistance and general vitality, vanishes ailments and improves mood;
- Maintains the optimum content of iodine in body; improves water-salt balance;
- Regulates metabolism and endocrine glands functions; contributes to dispersion of atheromatous plaques and reduces the level of cholesterol and sugar in blood;
- Contributes to skeletal muscles stress decline in the course of inflammatory processes;
- Improves sexual activity;
- Has detoxicating effect in the case of toxication, during and after influenza and other inflammatory and infectious diseases;
- Restores vessel wall elasticity;
- Promotes regenerative processes and rejuvenates tissues;
- Has antioxidant action;
- Is administered in the case of gastro-intestinal tract deseases, especially gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and dysbacteriosis;
- Restores cartilaginous tissues of joints in the case of arthrosis and arthritis, as well as promotes regeneration of joint connective tissue;
- Is recommended in the case of oncological diseases due to antineoplastic action, contributes to benign outcome in the treatment of mastopathy, fibromyomas and myomas;
- Is recommended in the case of bronchitis, bronchial asthma and pneumonia;
- Are effective in treating diseases of urogenital system, prostatic gland and impotence; –
- Reduce varicosity.
Aqualizat of trepang with chitosan, additionally:
- Used as diabetes mellitus prevention;
- Applied during acute and other toxication and intense medication;
- Applied in the case of metabolic syndrome, adiposis and other lipid metabolism disorders;
- Has a positive effect after radiation treatment and chemotherapy, as well as in the case of cancer intoxication.
- Has detoxicating effect in the case of toxication, during and after ARVI, influenza and other inflammatory and infectious diseases.
Shelf life: 2 years after manufacturing date.
Do not use after expiration of shelf life.
Terms of storage: Store at a dry and light-protected place at temperature from +5оС to +25оС and maximum relative humidity 80%.
Certificate of state registration
RU.Е.008380.08.15 dd. August 12, 2015
Active ingredients | in 1 capsule | in 2 capsules | % of adequate daily intake* |
Chitosan | 230 mg | 460 mg | 15 |
Name of product | Proteins,
g /100 g |
g / 100 g |
(digestible), g /100 g |
Energy value, kCal /100 g |
“TREGI-F” with chitosan | 46.0 | 0.8 | 0.0 | 191 |
AMINO ACID COMPOSITION (% of protein (±0.5%))
1. Taurine (Taur)
2. Asparaginic acid (Asp)
3. Oxyproline (Hyp)
4. Threonine (Thr)
5. Serine (Ser)
6. Glutamic acid (Glu)
7. Proline (Pro)
8. Glycine (Gly)
9. Alanine (Ala)
10. Citrulline (Cit)
11. Valine (Val)
12. Oxylisine (o-Lys)
13. Methionine (Met)
14. Isoleucine (Ile)
15. Leucine (Ley)
16. Tyrosine (Tyr)
17. β-Alanine (b-Ala)
18. Phenylalanine (Phe)
19. Ornithine (Orn)
20. Lysine (Lys)
21. Histidine (His)
22. Arginine (Arg)